Outstanding success at CEMAT exhibition. During five days with an unexpected summer weather in Germany, ULMA Inoxtruck exhibited most of the equipments in its range. More than 200 people stopped by in front of our booth from all over the world, including countries from the Middle and Far East as well as businessmen from New Zealand and Australia. It seems that the CEMAT Hannover Messe is still a REFERENCE for professionals in the material handling world despite the smaller events that have recently started to be hosted in countries like China, India or Brasil Among all the people we talked to, the most popular comment we heard was that referred to a ‘REAL INNOVATION IN TERMS OF DESIGN’ . The CEO of a company located in the US told us ‘it was the most innovative product range he had seen in Hannover in the last 10 years’. We had the leading companies in forklift truck business (BT Toyota, CROWN, Jungheinrich, etc) looking astonished to our products and complimenting our design capabilities. Among the products that ULMA Inoxtruck showed in this exhibition our Integrated Scale on a Hand Pallet Truck and our Bin Tilters were by far the most attractive products, the former because of the innovation in terms of integrating the cells and the weighing frame inside the chassis of the truck and the tilters because it is not a product that most forklift trucks manufacturers have in their product range. All in all a great success that opens ULMA Inoxtruck the doors to reinforce our presence in the German market and also to export to countries where until now we have had random direct sales to customers that have seen our products in food or pharmaceutical exhibitions