Web Inoxtruckwww.ulmainoxtruck.com

A new Concept

ULMA Inoxtruck has adapted the concepts of hygienic design to its produtcs, well known as part of the extended Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the design of the processing and packaging machines. Therefore ULMA Inoxtruck material handling equipments present an innovative and hygienic design that allow our customers to include our products in the cleaning procedures that the companies have set to guarantee the hygiene of their production processes.

Besides we have considered the space limitations and the real needs of the productive process in order to design compact material handling equipments with the specs and functionalities required in each case.

The ergonomics and safety are two key questions in our innovative focus, that provides all our equipments a breakthrough design and top quality.


ULMA Inoxtruck - Obispo Otadui 10 - 20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) - Tel. +34 943 848 943 - info@ulmainoxtruck.com